Sunday, April 26, 2020

What is Personality? Know Which Type of Personality you Belong

Personality is the expression of our characteristics and behavior, being the one that gives us the uniqueness in the relationship with ourselves and with others. We are different human beings and this is reflected in the existence of several personality types.

Personality is the set of own stable characteristics, which mentally and behaviorally characterize a person and distinguish him as a conscious and free individuality. It is built of two completely different traits, namely, temperament and character.

Temperament is a biological conditioning, it is hereditary and represents the set of physiological and nervous features that condition a person's ability to work, balance and self-control. The peculiarities of temperament are related to the somatic structure, the nervous system, the mobility of nervous processes, the energy resources of each person.

Character is the set of psycho-moral qualities of a person, which manifests itself in the cognitive (thinking) and behavioral in his ideas and actions. Character traits are formed and are influenced from the first years of the child's life by the parents through the preferential habits, values ​​and norms to which they refer, but also by the norms and values ​​of the society in which he lives.

Personality types - Type A personality
Personality types- Type B personality
Type A personality traits
They make decisions quickly and tend to split between several tasks simultaneously, which creates substantial stress. Initially, those who developed this theory of personality believed that people with type A may develop a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, but the scientific data gathered later did not prove this.
There is no standard definition of what a type A personality means, and traits vary over a fairly wide range, but a general picture of person A can be added:
·        inclination towards multitasking;
·        competitive;
·        very ambitious;
·        very organized;
·        he doesn't like to waste time;
·        feels impatient or irritated when she is late or when she is dealing with overdue situations;
·        spends a lot of time working;
·        very focused on goals;
·        stressed when faced with challenges that affect her success;
·        strongly motivated;
·        militant;
·        Worker;
·        Determined to succeed
·        impatient, impulsive, hyper-energetic, can sometimes easily get angry and show hostile behavior.
·        A type A personality tends to be self-critical, in situations where he left something unfinished or if he feels that he did not give his best to achieve a goal.
Type B personality traits
Theoretically, it is the opposite of type A personality, but in reality, most people tend to borrow traits from both types. Type B people tend to be more relaxed and relaxed, so the level of stress they experience is lower.
·        tends to spend more time reflecting on things or approaching philosophical thinking;
·        she does not feel as hurried when she has different tasks to perform;
·        he does not feel so much stress if he cannot accomplish everything he set out to do.
Although people with personality type B also face sources of stress, they tend to better manage stressful moments - they constantly strive and enjoy their achievements, even when they fail to complete their projects. or tasks. These people tend to embrace careers that focus on creativity, such as that of writer, counselor, therapist, actor, and so on. In addition, people B are more tolerant than those in category A.

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