Thursday, April 30, 2020

Causes of Mood Swing

Not only stress and depression lead to extreme mood swings, for which there are other reasons.
A person can be absolutely happy in one minute and extremely unhappy in another - this is how mood swings that are very dangerous for the psyche affect us. Usually when we are happy, we strive to ignore some negative circumstances, and in a state of sadness we cannot find anything positive around us. This is a normal reaction, but sudden mood swings reduce the quality of life. Especially for, experts named 6 possible causes of extreme mood swings.
1. Hormonal changes. Many of us remember how in adolescence, aggression was replaced by depression and most of the time we felt anger and irritability, for example, due to the prohibitions of parents. These mood swings are explained by a sharp jump in hormone levels. Something similar is observed in women passing through PMS, which causes changes in the levels of estrogen and progesterone. Hormone-triggered mood swings are often observed during the first and third trimesters of pregnancy and menopause. In all these cases, mood changes are absolutely normal. However, if they reduce the quality of life too much, consult a doctor who can prescribe medication or recommend meeting with a psychologist.
2. Drug abuse and side effects of drugs. Sharp mood spikes or outbreaks of aggression are often the result of drug abuse. If a person resorts to the help of drugs in order to avoid some problems in life, then he only strengthens them and creates new difficulties. All psychoactive drugs interfere with brain function, causing a flow of dopamine that strengthens the sensation of pleasure. Gradually, the brain gets used to this doping, and it produces less dopamine on its own. Thus, without these medications, patients may not feel normal. Over time, these changes in dopamine levels will negatively affect learning and memory processes, as well as behavioral control and decision making. Note that mood swings relate to side effects of certain medications, even like anti-blood pressure medications or antidepressants.
3. Depression and bipolar disorder. For victims of depression and bipolar disorder, mood swings are very common. Depression is characterized by a persistent feeling of longing, hopelessness and rejection, it is caused by a chemical imbalance of the brain and life circumstances. Depression or bipolar disorder can hardly be prevented, and if your family members have experienced these problems, it is highly likely that they will not bypass you. But it is important not to start them, but to start treatment on time.
5. Stress. Under severe stress, the body receives a large number of special hormones that reach the heart, lungs, stomach and other organs. All feelings are aggravated, breathing quickens, heartbeat becomes more intense, we experience a surge of energy - all this is necessary in order to fight the enemy or flee from him. An imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain can cause severe mood swings.
5. Diets. Eating sugary foods causes an increase in serotonin levels, and this hormone has a positive effect on mood. Limiting the intake of familiar foods reduces the rate of serotonin, which contributes to a sharp decrease in mood. There is a very strong connection between nutrition and mood, which is why it is so important to keep a balanced diet, and not to attack from time to time with a raid on the refrigerator.
6. Diseases. The last item in this list, which is not at all the last in value. Health disorders like brain tumors, strokes, dementia, meningitis, lung diseases, and the cardiovascular system can also cause mood spikes. The diagnosis and treatment of these problems is exclusively done by doctors, and very often changes in the human psyche are among the first warning symptoms that cannot be ignored.

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