Как научиться справляться с проблемами?
Источник: https://www.myjane.ru/articles/text/?id=19032
Источник: https://www.myjane.ru/articles/text/?id=19032
Coping Ways to Deal Problems
Sometimes there is a
feeling that the world around is collapsing. The usual course of life
dramatically changes its course, and not for the better. Care and hassle every
hour is added more and more. You are trying to cope with them, and all at once,
but after some time you notice that "things are still there." Why are
problems not being solved, and concerns are not diminishing? The answer is
simple: you need to learn how to calculate each action. Remember, we were
forced to write essay plans at school? It turns out plans are a very useful
thing. Some may argue that life is a boring occupation. No one forces you to
plan every minute of your life, but the idea of how tomorrow will go or how
you will prepare for some event will streamline and make your life easier. So
do your planning.
- It must enter your life and take a permanent place in it. If you learn to think about tomorrow in the evening, plan the necessary things, make a mental list of actions and purchases, the day will not be hectic, even if some unforeseen situations arise. After all, you can always ask for help from your husband, parents, children, girlfriend.
- Think carefully about your purchases. Spontaneous shopping in addition to unnecessarily emptying your wallet will also trash your home.
- There is a wonderful rule: do not go hungry for groceries. It has been proved repeatedly: a hungry buyer, even with tight cash, will still manage to buy something superfluous, actually unnecessary. Well, if “wallet is shaking money”, then to the joy of producers of goods and to the shopkeepers you bring home a couple of packets of junk food.
- If you are planning a trip or sending your child on holiday, do not rely on your memory. A good memory is, of course, great. But keeping in your head a couple of dozen points is sometimes difficult. Therefore, on a piece of paper, write down everything you need to buy for the trip. Lay the sheet in a conspicuous place. Each time, acquiring the next purchase, cross off the corresponding item from the list. Put your purchases in the field of view, so to speak, “in a heap,” so that you can immediately put everything in a bag or suitcase.
This method also works
well with clothes and other things for the trip. Sketch a list of necessary
things on a piece of paper, starting from underwear and ending with gloves or a
panama hat (according to season).
Using such lists, you and
your loved ones will always be 100% collected on trips. Troubles in the form of
missing swimwear or a warm sweater will not be your story.
If there is any grandiose
event from the category of anniversaries, weddings, other celebrations, the
habit of planning will help here. True, a sheet of paper in such cases can not
do. It is better to take a notebook or notebook. Head the sheets to the desired
position. Let's say: products, gifts, clothes (mine), clothes (husband's), etc.
On the item "products" leave a couple of sheets. First, write down
the names of all the dishes you want to see on the festive table. On the next
sheet, following the menu, list the foods needed for the dishes. Near each
product, put the quantity, and then the approximate price and amount. This will
help you plan your expenses. Try to include everything in the notes, to the
last detail. Set aside the necessary amounts separately for products, the
purchase of clothes, gifts and try not to go beyond the bounds of the estimate.
Gradually making the
necessary purchases, delete them from the list. This method will save you from
unnecessary fuss, a cold night sweat with the memory that tomorrow is already a
holiday, and you did not buy such and such. here are situations when during
tomorrow you should be in several places at once. Plan this day in the evening.
Ponder what to do best. What business needs to be done in the first place, and
which will be tolerated until the evening. Perhaps it will turn out to send
instead of yourself a couple of places of relatives or friends? Well-defined
plans for rather difficult days make life easier. They allow even the most
unpleasant days to turn into measured, not clouded by scandals and discontent
of others. In a word, the habit of planning tomorrow in the evening will make
your life and the life of loved ones easier.
Gradually, the habit of
planning will help you become a confident person, and the reputation of a
“reliable person” will not hinder you in your career or in your personal life.
You must admit that a calm, self-confident wife and mother, who does not lose
her temper even in difficult situations, is better than an unassembled person,
always forgetting something, hurrying somewhere, and this is always a tired and
displeased person.
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