Self Motivation
Self-motivation is the key to
more energy, motivation and drive. We'll tell you little tricks and tricks on
how to motivate yourself.
Self-motivation: the strength
comes from you!
As the word clearly says:
Self-motivation is about ourselves. Unfortunately, no one can really help us
with motivating. So we have to do it ourselves. These ten tips are a good
Reward yourself!
Have you already fulfilled your
sports program for this week? OK then. Then it's time for a reward. Whether you
treat yourself to a massage, go for a round of shopping or eat in your favorite
restaurant - you should only really look forward to it.
It is best to think about what
you want to pamper yourself with before you start your next task. You are sure
of anticipation and drive.
Get out of the routine
If the same routine and the same
things are waiting for you every day, routine is inevitable. It can lead to
boredom and of course boredom has nothing to do with motivation. Therefore: bet
on variety. Try (as far as possible) to do certain things differently. This
provides new impetus and maybe even one or two positive surprises.
Set up a schedule
Your problem: You have a lot of
to-do's in your head, but the first step is extremely difficult for you. The
solution: a schedule. Write down what you have to do and above all how much
time you need to do it. We are most effective in the morning. Therefore, you
should tackle the less enjoyable tasks right at the beginning of the day. A
little motivation boost: You can delete every completed point from your
schedule. You will quickly find that it feels very good.
Focus on strengths
Each of us has them, those little
weaknesses that are so difficult to deny. But they belong to us. Because
besides these small weaknesses, we also have a lot of strengths. And you should
focus on that. Beside them, our little vices no longer feel so vicious.
It depends on the environment
Sometimes we don't see our own
success or the goals we have already achieved. It is extremely helpful when we
have people around us who make us aware of this. They are the ones who also
encourage us to keep going, not to give up, to get even more out of us. You
should distance yourself from permanent pessimists and endless grumblers. Not
enough that they never respond to our performance, on the contrary, they tend
to pull us down and infect us with their pessimism.
Courage to change
Are you unhappy about your job
situation? Are you stuck in a long-standing relationship? Then change
something! It doesn't just sound easy, it is. Take your time and think about
what you have in your hands and can actively change. Take the brave, first
step. Doing something yourself is definitely the better way than just waiting.
Can do better than must
Already in the morning when we
wake up for the first time we often think "I have to go to work
today". Or it is the cleaning program that we absolutely have to
"do" before the weekend. Replace "must" rather with
"want" or "can". You will find that getting up and all
other supposed must-have sentences will be easier for you.
Just let it be
Everyone knows them, these days
when nothing just wants to succeed. Despite the greatest efforts and
concentration, we cannot even take the smallest step forward. Don't be so
strict with yourself at such a point and give yourself a break as far as
possible. Use the time for yourself without a guilty conscience. Do something
good for yourself and go back to work the next day with the newly gained
You grow with your tasks
Even if certain projects
initially seem almost impossible to you, say goodbye to sentences like "I
can't do this" or "I can't do it under any circumstances". Such
negative mantras only result in you having no desire to even start. Your
motivation is now at zero. It is better to try it the other way round and
convince yourself that you would like to do this thing and keep in mind that
you will actually benefit from it in the end.
Focus goals
Without diligence, no price -
unfortunately a true saying. But if we keep this price in mind, imagine it
visually in our minds, then we also apply the necessary diligence and the
associated motivation. If we want to lose a bit of weight, we need the regular
sports program. The next vacation in Spain should not only help hands and feet
to communicate, but we want to be fairly clear in words. Then a language course
that helps us from start to finish will help us.
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