Friday, May 01, 2020

How to Say Positive and Motivated

These 8 tips and exercises will help you think positive, learn optimism and bring it into your life:

1.Optimists believe in themselves

Too often we tend to focus on what we are not good at or what others do better than us. Yes, it is important to be aware of your weaknesses. But you also have to accept that no one (no, neither you) is perfect and that that's perfectly fine. Better concentrate on what you are good at or want to learn. And believe that you can do it - be optimistic. Whoever is only annoyed at what he cannot do, is jealous of others or does not believe in himself, wastes energy and gives pessimistic thoughts too much space in his own head. Be proud of yourself and your skills!

2. Surround yourself with optimistic people

The mood of our surroundings has an enormous influence on us. So if you only spend your time with lousy meters, it will be more difficult to learn optimism and develop a positive attitude. Try to inspire those around you with the idea of ​​learning optimism. Together it is more fun and you can motivate each other. The positive environment will make success and happiness all the greater. And there can never be enough optimists in this world!

3. Enjoy the little things

Sometimes it seems that our times have taken the motto "higher, faster, further" a little too much to heart. The feeling of never being able to do everything dominates and can also push optimists to the limits of their positive attitude. It is all the more important to enjoy the little things in everyday life that often get lost in the hectic pace. The sun shines how beautiful! The bus driver was particularly friendly today, great! The tree has such beautiful autumn colors! At first, this may sound a bit strange, maybe even ridiculous. But it gets us out of our everyday bubbles. Even if it is going haywire - the world around continues to turn. And from the outside, the problem that is causing us to despair may not be that bad anymore. This can be a very liberating feeling and help you stay positive and optimistic.

4. Write a lucky diary

A happiness diary can help those who find it difficult to enjoy small and everyday things as described in point 3. Every evening, write down what went well today, what you are proud of, what you were happy about or what you are grateful for today. A few minutes are enough and it helps you to be more aware of the positive events of the day. Because who doesn't know it? You are still annoyed about a stupid saying hours later, but you quickly forget the three nice compliments that you received throughout the day. It is up to us to give more space to positive thoughts and optimism than to negative feelings.

5. Tell about positive experiences

A lot of people tell each other mainly about negative experiences from their everyday life, according to the "Good News are no News" approach. We were puked on the train, the partner did something stupid, or we feel treated unfairly at work. First of all, clear the anger and get excited. That's okay, but watch how often you report positive experiences. Whoever tells those around them that we were given a nice smile today, that we had a wonderful conversation or received praise, radiates positive energy and gives less room for pessimism.

You can also slow down others. If you notice that your counterpart has only negative things to say to you, ask what he or she particularly likes today. This is how you show her or him the way to optimism.

6. Smile and use positive language

To make optimism easier for our brain to learn, we can trick it a little. For example, if we smile, the brain gets the message that we are happy. So smiling for a minute in the morning can help us start the day with positive thoughts.

The way we communicate with ourselves and formulate goals can also support an optimistic mindset. Because the brain sometimes deletes the word "not". So let's say, for example, that “don't get excited today”, the brain may only notice that we are upset and cause negative feelings. Prefer to "be more relaxed today".

7. Ask your pessimistic self what can happen at worst

Many worries and fears are only in our thoughts and turn out to be completely superfluous. Wonder where they could come from. Have you ever had a similar negative experience, or have you heard of someone who has had such an experience? Then consider how realistic it is that the worst case occurs in this particular case. Also give room for optimistic thoughts and consider what could happen in the best case and what opportunities may arise. In most cases, the reality is somewhere between the optimistic and the pessimistic extreme - where exactly nobody can tell you beforehand. In order to learn optimism, it is important not to assume the worst and to give positive prospects a chance. Worth it!

8. Don't be too hard on yourself

That you want to learn optimism is great! As mentioned at the beginning, you won't be able to turn all pessimistic thoughts into optimistic ones overnight. That's okay. Please don't get angry about that - that would be counterproductive. Stay tuned and accept even if it doesn't really work out. There will also be a certain amount of distrust in the future, and that's a good thing. Being optimistic does not mean embracing every incalculable risk with open arms.

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