Schizophrenia is a mental illness in which the boundary between imagination and reality is blurred. A sick person often does not have an understanding that he is sick, and this complicates the treatment. But this does not mean that a person is incurable or cannot fail to become himself again.
What is schizophrenia?
35,000 Swedes live with severe schizophrenia, which implies long-term psychosis. Psychosis means that the perception of reality is distorted, and this can lead to symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions and behavioral changes. Hallucinations can affect all senses. The most common are sound hallucinations in the form of voices that comment or order the sick person to do something. When a person with schizophrenia begins to obey their voices, the situation can become dangerous and quick help is needed.
Misconception implies a firm belief that everything happens in a certain way, while others know that this is not so. For example, you are being harassed, poisoned, or threatened by your life. An action or event is suddenly interpreted as something different or more significant than it really is. Hearing a conversation, it is misinterpreted, as if a person is talking badly about you, and a television program can suddenly be perceived as a secret message addressed to you.
Often the feeling that you are being watched with a camera or microphone. Reasoning, which for others seems unfounded, in a state of psychosis can be felt as reality. Other symptoms of schizophrenia are changes in the way you communicate. For example, decreased speech, dull emotions and lack of motivation.
Most people with schizophrenia fall ill between the ages of 20-30. The causes of the disease are unknown, but heredity is a significant risk factor. The development of the disease can also be affected by external stresses, such as injuries during adulthood, life crises, and marijuana abuse.
How does the disease affect life?
The disease lasts at least six months, but can last a lifetime. The condition can lead to disability and leave deep marks in self-esteem. A person may be unable to work or study, become withdrawn, or suffer from outbursts of anger. Schizophrenia can cause difficulties in recognizing oneself and cause anxiety, anxiety, depression and trouble sleeping.
Psychosis can lead to fear and shame. It may seem difficult, but it’s important to tell someone how you feel. This is a disease, and there is a cure for it.
Can I feel better?
Although the disease is chronic, it often wanes over time. Under the right conditions, a sick person can live a normal life, like any other. In addition to treatment, it is important to have supportive social contacts and meaningful daily activities. A healthy lifestyle, such as good nutrition and sleep, makes the situation easier, as illness can lead to abuse and depression.
If you suspect that you or your relative is in a state of psychosis or there is a risk of developing it, you must contact a psychiatric center for youth or adults. Schizophrenia treatment is necessary in order to feel better, and also to prevent relapse.
Diagnosis and treatment
To diagnose schizophrenia, the disease must last at least six months. Research is needed to rule out other causes of psychosis, such as another disease, effects of drugs or drugs. There are antipsychotic drugs that can reduce symptoms and make life easier for those with schizophrenia. Treatment includes support and psychotherapy. It is also important that the patient receives help and support in order to get a suitable job as soon as possible or return to the previous one. This also applies to patients who still have symptoms.
It is important to ensure safety, and therefore treatment at home or in a special department is recommended when the disease is particularly severe. Relatives of the patient may also need support, because taking care of the patient can be serious stress.
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