Thursday, April 30, 2020

Myths and Misconception About Psychology

Myths and Misconceptions About Psychology
The six most common misconceptions about psychologists and psychology

1.       The first error. Psychology is the science of the soul. In fact, the subject of psychology, as a science, is not the soul, but the psyche, the material basis of which is the brain. In addition, the functioning of the psyche is considered in the psychodynamic aspect.  All this meets, collides and should be added, systematized. Before us, therefore, is a grandiose dynamic system. Thus, we are witnessing a continuous pursuit of a dynamic stereotype.

2.       The second error. After meeting with a psychologist, the client should become “good.” Yes, this often happens, but only after applying the appropriate methods of psychological assistance. Such, for example, as relaxation, psychological relaxation, that is, relieving stress and achieving a relaxed comfortable state. Of course it's nice. But if the purpose of psychological counseling is your personal growth or other changes associated with breaking behavioral stereotypes, then you may have to face pain - a natural companion of personality transformations. Especially at the beginning of the journey.

3.       The third error. As people say, if the "problem with the head", then we must go to the psychologist. You will be surprised, but the psychologist works with healthy people whose problems are mainly in the field of thoughts and ideas. The main areas of work are psychological counseling, psychodiagnosis and psychoprophylaxis (the so-called psychological educational program). The problems that arise due to an imbalance in the balance of chemicals in the brain or due to organic lesions are usually dealt with by psychotherapists, psychiatrists and neurologists, that is, people with a medical background.

4.       Misconceptions fourth. There is an opinion that a psychologist is a person who is well versed in people. And as practice shows, almost all people consider themselves good psychologists. Naturally, over the years, this conceit only intensifies. But here we must understand that there is a big difference between the vital “everyday” psychology and the scientific. Approximately the same as between a pilot and a hang glider. Yes, sometimes, the advice of a friend or parents is quite enough for a person. But only sometimes ... In most cases, we recommend that you turn to professional psychologists who have years of training and practice behind them. Read more about how they become psychologists here.

5.       The fifth error. Psychologists give advice. It often happens that, despite the repeated attempts of your friends or parents to give you a lot of very different tips for all occasions, nothing in it (in life) has changed. You do not become more confident or even a little calmer, you cannot marry (successfully), do not get rich (do not win the lottery), etc.

6.       The sixth error. How many times have psychologists heard the order that has fed them with the phrase: “Tyzhpsychologist !?” But this is so! Outside the walls of his office, the psychologist is an ordinary person with his problems and concerns.

The psychologist does not give advice! He works with you, your unconscious mental life, with your beliefs and values. Here it will be appropriate to compare the psychologist with the surgeon, who does not give advice on how to remove appendicitis, but simply takes it and does it. And if a psychologist gives advice, then only the most general (universal) or advice based on the study of your personal history and taking into account your personality, because, as we said earlier, all people are different!

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