Friendship: 9 clues that distinguish
good friends
What we mean by friendship varies
from person to person. Especially since there are different types of
Loose friendships
Best friends (modern also BFF s - Best friends forever )
Special purpose communities ( temporary )
Friendship plus (here comes sex, also abbreviated as " F + " or friends with benefits )
Even researchers are struggling
with a definition to this day. The philosopher Aristotle once called friendship
"one soul in two bodies". It is pretty good.
Friendship could also be defined
as a voluntary, personal relationship based on mutual sympathy , trust ,
selflessness and support. However, this is also not entirely clear.
Good to know: the terms
friendship and kinship were even used synonymously until the 17th century. This
original meaning has been preserved in some dialects to this day. The same can
be said for the term blood friendship , which originally also means kinship.
At least one thing is certain:
the desire for friends is innate to us. Friendships are formed already in
childhood , when playing in the sandpit with the "favorite playmate"
or on vacation. Others later in puberty doing sports or at school. Still other
friendships arise as adults from study and professional contacts. The friendships that remain with us often
develop into an intimate connection - and are thus the beginning of something
wonderful that has accompanied us for a lifetime: deep friendship and
familiarity. Because these people know our true self. It is not uncommon for a friendship like this
to last longer than the relationship with our life or spouse . No wonder: If
you have friends , you can be shown to
be happier, happier, more balanced - even healthier.
Unfortunately, we often only
recognize a true friendship in emergencies - when we really need it.
Fortunately, there are a few verifiable indications beforehand as to whether
our acquaintances and contacts are real or false friends . A total of nine of these
signs can be found in the following (striking) graphics. Admittedly, these are
sometimes high demands . Friendship must therefore endure that these cannot
always be fulfilled at all times. We should be able to go through “thick and
thin” with our friends. But sometimes it just doesn't work. Friends are also just
people - with mistakes, weaknesses and shortcomings.
Friendships begin: How friends become
How do friendships develop? And
when do we call a friend "friend"?
The questions have already been
asked by scientists, psychologists and sociologists:
takes at least 50 hours together to become a "friend" and a
90 hours are necessary to change from a "friend" to a "good
it takes a whole 200 hours to get together so that they become “best friends”.
- But
the most important result was that spending time together was crucial.
The internet and social media
such as Facebook, Instagram or Youtube have made it easier to meet new people.
Online chats or emails have little or no influence on the quality of the
friendship. In order for true friendships or best friends to develop from it,
we have to spend real and physical time together. Only then does something like
kinship develop , sociologists say.
The circle of friendships that
deserve this name is correspondingly narrow. Often much smaller than we think !
Just imagine how many people you
would call friends ... and now please divide this number by two!
Only about half of the people we
count as friends would say the same about us, the research says.
"Friendship, as we call it . The proportion of mutual friendships
fluctuates regularly between 34 and 53 percent .
This may also have to do with the fact that
the knowledge of a one-sided friendship " scratches our self- image
5 tips on how to make new friends
A friendship does not always
survive crises or (spatial) changes. Moving to another city or starting a
family can break a friendship. Then you have to find new friends.
However, it is not easy for
everyone to find new friends immediately. Some people are naturally shy or
reserved and have problems approaching other people and making small talk . So
here are five tips for you on how to make new friends (including shy ones):
As long as you don't send signals
or actively approach other people, nothing happens. Of course, you decide what
this activity looks like: If you don't have the courage to do so, you can start
by making contacts in the chat. There are enough forums for different
interests. No matter whether you like sewing, cooking or want to exchange
At some point, however, these
contacts should be brought into reality - sharing hobbies with someone who
lives 300 kilometers away won't help you much in everyday life.
By the way, dog owners have an
advantage here: Often you get to talk about the pet and its quirks. Other
options are sport in clubs or VHS courses where you can exchange ideas with
At the beginning of a friendship
it is about getting to know the other person better. So ask if someone tells
you something. The more you know about each other, the sooner you can refer to
them later.
In this way, you signal interest
in the person you are talking to. Maybe your colleague said at some point that
he wanted to buy a new kitchen - a perfect hanger to follow up and maybe even
contribute with tips.
Conversely, caution should be
exercised when it comes to polarizing issues such as religion, salary, politics
- even supposedly harmless topics such as food or child-rearing can prove to be
a minefield if you dogmatically advocate your opinion. A fundamental openness
to other views is not wrong.
Smile, say hello - preferably by
name. This gives others the feeling that they are not only “somehow” perceived,
but that they are important to them. Those who appear friendly towards others
appear sympathetic and positive. And you prefer to surround yourself with
positive, friendly people rather than with grouchy people who don't utter a
The important thing here is that
you don't have to pretend to someone that you don't feel. You should treat
unappealing contemporaries with the required courtesy, but nothing more. On the
other hand, those who are exuberantly friendly to someone they don't really
like appear hypocritical and untrustworthy.
Your friend is moving? A neighbor
is desperately looking for a babysitter? The colleague can't look out of sight
because of all the work? Such opportunities are ideal for offering his support
to others. Those who have previously shown themselves accessible are more
likely to be addressed.
Because if your counterpart is
not completely blunt, most people feel a natural inhibition when it comes to
asking near strangers for a favor. The first step is to show that you are
accommodating, because this increases the chances that this person will return
the favor.
When you watch other people, what
qualities do you notice about them that you find good? What can you learn from
it? There is a positive double effect here: On the one hand, you should give
praise to characteristics, skills or behavior in situations that you advocate.
Everyone likes compliments, so
this encouragement will make you sympathetic. On the other hand, your nature
reflects the behavior of the person whose friendship you want to win if you act
similarly. This is how you create common ground that connects.
False friends: when should it end?
A friendship can be beautiful and
fulfilling - unfortunately it can also develop negatively. What connects can
also disappear. Regular exchange is important to maintain the basis of trust .
But it is not a guarantee of lasting friendship.
Some friendships break down over
time. In some cases, interests just change - and you kind of live apart . There
is no "official end", the contact simply falls asleep.
In other cases, the end is
accompanied by violent arguments, bad words, a feeling of betrayal and disappointment
(in the literal sense).
Last but not least, what unites
friends is a common code of values . A kind of unwritten law, what they expect
from each other and what they rely on. A one-sided (but one-off) break can give
a friendship a deep crack. A crack that may never be bridged again.
If someone feels permanently
betrayed, the friendship will soon be over. Most would then describe their
former companions as " false friends ". Rightly so.
In fact, there are also signals
and signs for when it is better to end a friendship and " break up ".
For example then ...
If you are exploited.
You have often proven your help,
helped with moving, comforted (even in the middle of the night), you were
there. But now you need support - but no answer: "No time!" "It
fits very badly!" , It says succinctly. If this happens more often, you
should consider carefully whether give and take are still balanced in this
If you are not supported.
We can only cope with some
situations and phases of life with the help of good friends. Fatalities and
deaths, for example. Or when the job eats you up, you become unemployed or when
the relationship with your partner breaks down. At times like this we want
someone who listens to us, gives good advice, consoles, helps. But if you are
looking for space in our most difficult days, in times of greatest need and
making yourself scarce, you cannot be a friend. Because what distinguishes him
from fleeting acquaintances? You can and shouldn't do without good weather
If you are cheated.
Probably the worst betrayal is
when the boyfriend or girlfriend steals your partner. Or when your own
(alleged) friends talk badly about you or even intrigue behind your back. Then
it’s like a low blow. We expect - and rightly so - loyalty and honesty from a
friendship. If both are missing, you should separate.
If you live in constant competition.
Do you know that? Hardly do you
tell of a sense of achievement, do you hear a story that somehow tops your
thing and puts it in the shade ?! You never have the feeling that your friend
is happy with you. It's all about being better yourself. A clear case of
resentment . Honestly, do you need someone in your life who only competes with
you and wonders who is better?
When you become unimportant.
Of course, a friend can also do
something different. However, if you are constantly transferred and the other
person makes no effort to keep in touch with you or suggests an alternative
date, the priorities have obviously shifted. Your friendship is no longer the
first priority. A saying modified by Confucius says: What you love, let go. If
it comes back, it's yours forever. If it doesn't come back, you never heard it.
You can also do without such friendships.
Overall, however, it is worth
investing in friends and friendships and maintaining these relationships.
Everyone agrees. Because those who have good friends and many friendships can
get through life more easily.