Saturday, May 02, 2020

Music Therapy, Light Therapy, Aromatherapy

Music therapy

Similar to light, smells, etc., noises have a direct impact on the well-being of the human body, psyche and soul. This influence can be particularly positive if the patient is treated with special music. Over the centuries, this knowledge developed into a separate professional branch. Today, the so-called music therapist is a recognized profession in healing. Even science and conventional medicine now recognize that music can have a healing effect on both the body and the soul and spirit of people. The reason for this is the emotional reactions that are caused by the influence of music.

One differentiates today between different forms of music therapy. These forms can initially be classified into two main categories. In the case of receptive music therapies, the therapeutic effect is achieved only by the patient exposing himself to music at regular intervals and for fixed periods, i.e. listening to it. With active music therapy, on the other hand, the patient generates music independently, i.e. operates various musical instruments.

However, the first-mentioned, i.e. receptive music therapy, is used much more frequently today. It is also the oldest form of music therapy and was used in ancient times. The music that serves the patient as a therapy medium can either come from an ordinary CD; however, there is also the possibility that the music therapist can create them himself using instruments. With the help of this music, certain moods are to be created in the patient, which are then transformed into physical, mental or psychological effects through increased self-awareness. For example, there is no doubt today that music therapy can also be used to treat people with depression effectively. Even with patients who are in a coma, very good results have been achieved through music therapy.

Furthermore, a distinction is made between individual music therapy and group music therapy. The latter is often offered in courses - for example from the adult education center. For individual music therapy, on the other hand, a trained music therapist should be visited.

light therapy

In contrast to many other methods of naturopathy and alternative medicine, light therapy is now even recognized by science and conventional medicine. This is understood to mean a therapeutic procedure in which the patient is exposed to a special artificial light at regular intervals and for specified periods. This is often referred to as a light shower.

Such regular irradiation with bright artificial light is particularly effective in cases of depression, sleep disorders and various nervous disorders. It is proven that sunlight has a direct influence on the production of certain hormones in the human body and thus ensures that the mental and emotional state of mind is balanced again. Since many people suffer from depressive moods or even depression, particularly in the cold season, sunlight is imitated with the help of light therapy, so that the same effects as possible with natural sunlight should occur if possible.

How exactly is light therapy carried out?

The radiation is usually carried out in the morning immediately after getting up. Depending on the severity of the condition to be treated, the patient sits in front of a so-called daylight lamp for a period of between ten minutes and one hour. He must sit directly with the face of the light body so that the light can fall on his retina.

Due to the imitation of daylight, vitamin D in particular is increasingly formed in the body, which stimulates the immune system and can thus ensure that other physical ailments are alleviated or even disappear entirely. In the past, light therapy was used e.g. B. also with tuberculosis and achieved quite good results. The reason: The UV components in imitation sunlight have a germicidal effect and are able to penetrate deep into the body. This also explains why many skin diseases heal better or at least alleviate themselves when the person concerned goes into the sun.

In our modern western world, light therapy is used, among other things, for the treatment of stressful situations - e.g. B. by the known jet lag - applied. There are even airlines that regularly treat their staff with light therapy.

It is important to know that light therapy cannot be carried out using a normal light bulb. The spectrum of the light used for this must correspond exactly to natural sunlight, otherwise the therapy is completely ineffective. As a result, it is also possible to perform light therapy outdoors using natural sunlight. However, this requires a regular stay over several months in a sunny area. There are now special cures with integrated light therapy that are carried out, for example, in the countries of the Mediterranean or in Africa.


The search for physical, mental and mental relaxation has become increasingly important for many people in recent years. The reasons for this are diverse. The everyday life of every person is usually more and more stressful, plus there are all sorts of private obligations, hobbies, children and pets and much more that takes time.

Aromatherapy offers a way out of this dilemma. This is a relaxation therapy that is carried out with the help of essential oils. They are supposed to influence and relax the body as well as the mind and soul in a positive way. 
It has been known for many thousands of years that fragrances can trigger reactions in the human body. Mind and soul also react very sensitively to such fragrances. For this reason, it was already in the times of the ancient civilizations - for example in Egypt - to extract fragrances from plants and thus to produce incense, for example. The first perfumes were also made at this time, also from plants or plant components.
However, the real trigger of aromatherapy comes from a story that couldn't be more bizarre. In 1910, a French chemist had an accident in his laboratory where he was burned by an explosion. Since he had to act quickly, he treated his burns with the help of lavender oil. Shortly afterwards, it became clear that the lavender had a very beneficial effect on the irritated skin and made the wounds heal faster. The use of the oil also significantly reduced the scarring. This was the starting signal for the development of aromatherapy, from now on essential oils were used in many different ways. For example, soaps have been developed that are scented with these oils.
Today, aromatherapy is generally considered a herbal medicine. It is now almost completely recognized as a relaxation method not only in naturopathy, but also in conventional medicine. Aromatherapy covers a wide area today. For example, there are special bath additives that are already recognized as aids for aromatherapy. There are now also massage oils, oil mixtures for fragrance lamps and plasters that are infused with essential oils on the market.
However, caution is advised with essential oils that are not derived from natural raw materials, but are manufactured chemically or synthetically. These oils can sometimes cause severe allergic reactions, and children and people with a weak immune system can also experience symptoms of intoxication. It is better to always use only natural or naturally pure essential oils.

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